Kamis, 03 Maret 2016

4 Reasons to Always Choose Organic Dairy


When it comes to buying organic, there are many different ways to prioritize. The Dirty Dozen is a great guide to produce, but there’s more to buying organic than just produce! When it comes to milk and dairy, organic milk is my milk of choice. The reason I choose milk (instead of milk alternatives) is because I don’t have any digestive issues when it comes to milk or lactose, and I like the fact that milk just has one ingredient and the only sugar in it is natural (compared to some of the alternatives out there).

But the most important thing I emphasize when I get questions about milk is the importance of choosing organic dairy/milk whenever you can!

If there’s a place to spend your money and buy organic, dairy is it (along with the dirty dozen, soy, corn and sugar). So why is organic dairy so important? And what does organic mean anyway?

To start: milk can only be USDA certified organic if:

  • There are no synthetic fertilizers used on the farm

  • Farmers avoid most synthetic pesticides

  • Farmers do not use growth hormones or antibiotics

  • Farmers never use genetically modified (GMO) crops or feed for their cows


Here are my top 4 reasons for why organic milk is totally worth the money:

1. No artificial growth hormones. On some dairy farms, cows are given artificial hormones to help them to produce more milk. Organic milk is from cows free from growth hormones and antibiotics.

2. No synthetic pesticides. Most synthetic pesticides and herbicides (such as Roundup) are prohibited on the 100% organic feed that cows graze on that produce organic milk. I prefer buying milk where I know that the supply chain only uses organic-approved substances.

3. No GMOs. Cows that produce organic milk only eat 100% organic food, which prohibits GMOs (in the feed/on the farm).

4. Helps support small family farms. 97% of all dairy farms in America, including organic farms, are family-owned. Buying organic helps to show support for a system that keeps family-owned organic farms in business.

So to answer the question: is organic milk worth the money? And should you always buy organic milk? My answer is: Yes!

This post was sponsored by MilkLife.com

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