Rabu, 30 November 2016

The Stock Market and Bank Risk-Taking

A focus on short-term stock prices induces publicly traded banks to increase risk relative to privately-held banks, according to this paper by Antonio Falato and David Scharfstein.

Where Could More Regulation Help Small Businesses? Online Lending.

The regulatory system overseeing the financial technology industry is a tangle of multiple agencies and inconsistent rules. Karen Mills and Brayden McCarthy propose a six-point plan to regulate online lending.

Selasa, 29 November 2016

Fiscal Risk and the Portfolio of Government Programs

Samuel G. Hanson, David S. Scharfstein, and Adi Sunderam develop a new model for government cost-benefit analysis, showing that distortionary taxation impacts the optimal scale and pricing of government programs.

Senin, 28 November 2016

Challenging the Belief that Liability Laws Kill Medical Device Innovation

Many policymakers believe lliability laws need reforming so that medical device makers are free to innovate without threat of costly lawsuits. But new research by Hong Luo and Alberto Galasso suggests innovation is not thwarted--just rechanneled.

Jumat, 25 November 2016

Kamis, 24 November 2016

Explaining the Persistence of Gender Inequality: The Work-Family Narrative as a Social Defense against the 24/7 Work Culture

This study by Irene Padavic, Robin J. Ely, and Erin M. Reid argues that women's advancement is slowed because of social defenses at the organizational level, along with wider cultural beliefs that are resistant to change.

Selasa, 22 November 2016

November 22, 2016

Résumé whitening ... Breakfast at the Paramount ... AnswerDash looks for answers.

Sabtu, 19 November 2016

Standardized Color in the Food Industry: The Co-Creation of the Food Coloring Business in the United States, 1870–1940

Research by Ai Hisano shows how food manufacturers, dye makers, and regulators co-created the food coloring business in the United States. Food-coloring practices became integrated into an entire strategy of manufacturing and marketing in the food industry.

Kamis, 17 November 2016

Sovereign Risk, Currency Risk, and Corporate Balance Sheets

Wenxin Du and Jesse Schreger lay out a case for why a country might be more likely to default on its sovereign debt than allow inflation to eat it away.

Selasa, 15 November 2016

November 15, 2016

Why gender inequality persists ... Is hiring best left to a hiring manager? ... Understanding brand portfolio strategy.

Algorithmic Foundations for Business Strategy

Mihnea Moldoveanu uses tools and models from computational complexity theory and the algorithmics of hard problems that are new to the strategy field in order to address how strategic process and structure adapt to the complex strategic scenarios and predicaments.

Senin, 14 November 2016

Kamis, 10 November 2016

Managing Reputation: Evidence from Biographies of Corporate Directors

Ian D. Gow, Aida Sijamic Wahid, and Gwen Yu analyze biographies of 12,895 board directors published in proxy statements to see how directors make strategic disclosure choices about their past and current experience in biographies.

Rabu, 09 November 2016

6 Lessons from Donald Trump's Winning Marketing Manual

Donald Trump's upset election win offers six lessons for marketers looking to beat the odds and overcome powerful competitors, says John A. Quelch.

Selasa, 08 November 2016

November 8, 2016

Winning the Chinese wine market ... Marketing food with color ... Using algorithmic models to study strategy.

Senin, 07 November 2016

Corporate Tax Strategies Mirror Personal Returns of Top Execs

Top executives who are inclined to reduce personal taxes might also benefit shareholders in their companies, concludes research by Gerardo Pérez Cavazos and Andreya M. Silva.

Jumat, 04 November 2016

Ideological Segregation among Online Collaborators: Evidence from Wikipedians

Do online communities such as Wikipedia segregate into separate conversations when contributing to contestable knowledge involving controversial, subjective, and unverifiable topics? Research by Shane Greenstein, Yuan Gu, and Feng Zhu.

Rabu, 02 November 2016

Government and Financial Tech Can Fix Cash Woes for Small Businesses

Karen Mills looks at how financial technology and government policies can be used to pull small businesses away from the cash flow edge.

Selasa, 01 November 2016

Patent Disclosures and Standard-Setting

This article explores firms' strategies in response to intellectual property (IP) disclosure requirements-in particular, the choice between specific and generic disclosures of IP-and the optimal response by standard setting organizations, including the royalty rate setting.

First Look - November 1, 2016

Luxury products that provide an alibi ... Selling a refrigerator to 80 percent of India ... Buying a product based on what's next to it.

Senin, 31 Oktober 2016

Quantitative Easing Didn't Ease Housing Crisis for the Neediest

A new study by Marco Di Maggio and colleagues takes a deep dive into the efficacy of the Fed's quantitative easing strategy to understand how the various rounds of QE affected “the real economy.”

Rabu, 26 Oktober 2016

'Be Careless with That!' Availability of Product Upgrades Increases Cavalier Behavior Toward Possessions

Contrary to the notion that consumers highly value and care for their possessions, this research by Silvia Bellezza, Joshua M. Ackerman, and Francesca Gino demonstrates that consumers may become careless toward owned products when they know there are appealing upgrades coming. Such carelessness is driven by consumers' strong desire to justify decisions. The findings suggest opportunities for marketers and designers because planned obsolescence might benefit upgrade-minded consumers by making it easier for them to damage or detect functional flaws in owned products.

Selasa, 25 Oktober 2016

October 25, 2016

The challenge of explaining pivots to investors ... What's an innovation worth? ... How a manager's ethnic culture affects their communications with investors.

Kamis, 20 Oktober 2016

Global Talent Flows

Global migration patterns have become increasingly asymmetric and skewed along several dimensions, especially as skilled migration has become a greater force globally. This paper by William R. Kerr and colleagues,discusses the causes and consequences of high-skilled migration and the particular role of agglomeration/cluster economies.

Senin, 17 Oktober 2016

Self-Employment Dynamics and the Returns to Entrepreneurship

Why do workers turn to entrepreneurship when many entrepreneurs appear to earn less than what they could earn in paid employment? Written by Eleanor W. Dillon and Christopher T. Stanton, this is the first paper to characterize how the value of resolving uncertainty about entrepreneurial earnings varies over the lifecycle after adjusting for tax differences between entrepreneurs and paid workers.

Jumat, 14 Oktober 2016

A Welfarist Role for Nonwelfarist Rules: An Example with Envy

Matthew Weinzierl proposes an argument for why policymakers should, as research has repeatedly shown most people do, consider multiple, often mutually contradictory principles when judging economic policy.

Rabu, 12 Oktober 2016

Break the Rules of How Business is Done

Making just small changes to how you do business inside and outside the company can help you attract bright employees and increase innovation, argues Julia B. Austin.

Selasa, 11 Oktober 2016

October 11, 2016

Creating the launch strategy for "Hamilton" ... Companies with committed middle managers perform better ... The earnings gap between being self-employed and working for someone else.

Senin, 10 Oktober 2016

Why White-Collar Criminals Commit Their Crimes

Eugene Soltes spent seven years interviewing nearly 50 convicted corporate felons, including Bernard Madoff, Allen Stanford, and Dennis Kozlowski. Soltes shares what he learned in his new book, "Why They Do It: Inside the Mind of the White-Collar Criminal."

Jumat, 07 Oktober 2016

Sovereign Debt Portfolios, Bond Risks, and the Credibility of Monetary Policy

This paper by Wenxin Du, Carolin E. Pflueger, and Jesse Schreger examines and explains the relation between sovereign debt portfolios and government bond risks across countries.

Kamis, 06 Oktober 2016

The Munich Oktoberfest: From Local Tradition to Global Capitalism

The Munich Oktoberfest: From Local Tradition to Global Capitalism

Can the US Economy Regain the Growth and Prosperity of the Past?

There are widely contrasting visions for the future of the US economy, observes James Heskett. One sees a digital reinvention of markets that creates jobs and boosts prosperity for all. The other predicts modest gains that fall far short of past performance. What do YOU think?

Rabu, 05 Oktober 2016

Why Don't More People Get Flu Shots at Work?

The frontline battle station in the just-started influenza season is the workplace flu vaccine clinic. The problem: fewer than half of employees take advantage of them. John Beshears discusses why location makes a difference.

Senin, 03 Oktober 2016

The Skills Gap and the Near-Far Problem in Executive Education and Leadership Development

Das Narayandas and Mihnea Moldoveanu argue that executive education programs are not equipping managers with skills needed to succeed in "volatile, uncertain, ambiguous, and complex business landscape."

Rabu, 28 September 2016

September 27, 2016

How do VCs decide? ... Digitization disrupts executive education ... Longchamp: Moving a cultural icon upmarket.

Selasa, 27 September 2016

Is Company Failure Inevitable?

Companies don't generally fail because of competition; it's out-of-touch leadership that kills them. "Lead and Disrupt" coauthor Michael L. Tushman discusses how companies must continue to invest in their core products while innovating in new areas.

Senin, 26 September 2016

Technological Leadership (de)Concentration: Causes in ICTE

This paper by Yasin Ozcan and Shane Greenstein characterizes long-term trends in the Information and Communications Technology equipment industryby analyzing the concentration in patents from 1976 to 2010, and comparing measured changes against popular assumptions about the size and scale of changes in innovation.

Jumat, 23 September 2016

How Do Venture Capitalists Make Decisions?

This study by Paul A. Gompersand colleagues surveys 885 institutional VCs at 681 firms asking how they make decisions across eight areas: deal sourcing; investment selection; valuation; deal structure; post-investment value-added; exits; internal VC firm issues; and external VC firm issues.

Kamis, 22 September 2016

Rabu, 21 September 2016

Android and Competition Law: Exploring and Assessing Google's Practices in Mobile

Benjamin Edelman and Damien Geradin argue that Google's restrictions on device manufacturers wishing to develop commercially-viable Android devices harm competition.

Senin, 19 September 2016

Why Isn't Business Research More Relevant to Business Practitioners?

There's a pervasive paradox in academia: Research conducted at business schools often offers no obvious value to people who work in the world of business.

Kamis, 15 September 2016

Political Dysfunction Makes America Less Competitive

The American economy is “failing the test of competitiveness," according to a new Harvard Business School study written by Michael E. Porter, Jan W. Rivkin, and Mihir A. Desai.

Rabu, 14 September 2016

Web Surfers Have a Schedule and Stick to It

Note to Web owners: Consumers won't carve out more time to visit your site. So how do you attract them? Start by understanding their online habits, reports new research by Shane Greenstein and colleagues.

Senin, 12 September 2016

What Brands Can Do to Monitor Factory Conditions of Suppliers

For better or for worse, it's fallen to multinational corporations to police the overseas factories of suppliers in their supply chains-and perhaps make them better. Michael W. Toffel examines how.

Jumat, 09 September 2016

Rabu, 07 September 2016

Decision-Making by Precedent and the Founding of American Honda (1948–1974)

While the production and distribution of goods in a firm is commonly overseen by a hierarchy of management, decision-making within these organizations is often frenetic. Ramon Casadesus-Masanell and John Heilbron demonstrate empirically that the president of American Honda made important strategic decisions by following the precedent set by his boss and former mentor, Honda's chief strategist, Takeo Fujisawa-by making careful, educated guesses about how Fujisawa would have addressed similar issues.

Selasa, 06 September 2016

Resolve Your Toughest Work Problems with 5 Questions

In Managing in the Gray, Joseph Badaracco offers managers a five-question framework for facing murky situations and solving tough problems at work.

Jumat, 02 September 2016

The Twitter Election

Twitter is emerging as one of the most important players in the 2016 presidential election, write John Quelch and Thales Teixeira. But does it have the power to determine which candidate will win?

Kamis, 01 September 2016

Rabu, 31 Agustus 2016

One Quarter of Entrepreneurs in the United States Are Immigrants

Immigrants are 15 percent of the overall United States population, but they become entrepreneurs at a much higher rate, according to new research by William Kerr and Sari Pekkala Kerr.

Selasa, 30 Agustus 2016

August 30, 2016

Using time and money to maximize happiness ... Documenting progress vs. process in cancer care ... Tackling the global water crisis.

Senin, 29 Agustus 2016

Location Fundamentals, Agglomeration Economies, and the Geography of Multinational Firms

Research by Laura Alfaro and Maggie Xiaoyang Chen helps explain the location interdependence of multinational firms and how they agglomerate with one another.

Jumat, 26 Agustus 2016

Unpacking Team Diversity: An Integrative Multi-Level Model of Cross-Boundary Teaming

In a growing number of cases, cross-boundary teams span organizational boundaries, not just functional ones. Amy C. Edmondson and Jean-François Harvey explore how newly formed temporary groups may be able to develop rapidly into high-performance teams.

Kamis, 25 Agustus 2016

Selasa, 23 Agustus 2016

August 23, 2016

We get less productive when left to order our own tasks ... Demythologizing sustainable investing ... Can a great customer service company clone itself?

Kamis, 18 Agustus 2016

Immigrant Entrepreneurship

Sari Pekkala Kerr and William R. Kerr construct a data platform using US Census Bureau administrative data to provide new statistics on the patterns of business formation by immigrant entrepreneurs and on the medium-term success of those businesses.

Rabu, 17 Agustus 2016

Venture Capital Data: Opportunities and Challenges

Steven N. Kaplan and Josh Lerner describe the available data and research on venture capital investments and performance, and comment on the challenges inherent in those data and research as well as possible opportunities to do better.

Senin, 15 Agustus 2016

Liquidity Transformation in Asset Management: Evidence from the Cash Holdings of Mutual Funds

The study by Sergey Chernenko and Adi Sunderamproposes a novel measure of liquidity transformation: funds' cash management strategies.

Rabu, 10 Agustus 2016

Prospective Students Steer Clear of Schools Rocked by Scandal

Who says there is no such thing as bad publicity? When a college experiences a scandal, applications drop. Michael Luca explains what colleges and other businesses should learn when bad news dips the demand curve.

Selasa, 09 Agustus 2016

The Unintended Consequences of the Zero Lower Bound Policy

Marco Di Maggio and Marcin Kacperczyk study the impact of the zero lower bound interest rate policy on the industrial organization of the US money fund industry.

August 9, 2016

Developers dig into open offices ... Analyzing a medical technology startup ... Tracking the progress of immigrant entrepreneurship.

Shareholder Activism on Sustainability Issues

Testing the effect that environmental, social, and governance (ESG) proposals have on firms' subsequent ESG performance and market valuation, Jody Grewal, George Serafeim, and Aaron Yoon find that 42 percent are financially beneficial and associated with subsequent increases in environmental and social performance.

Rabu, 03 Agustus 2016

Ominous Background Music is Bad for Sharks

Experimental research reveals the influential power of music to determine how people feel about the most vilified predator in the ocean. Elizabeth Keenan and Andrew P. Nosal discuss the study “The Effect of Background Music in Shark Documentaries on Viewers' Perceptions of Sharks.”

How Can We Hold the “Leadership Industry” Accountable?

After reading the new book "Management BS," James Heskett asks whether there are significant disconnects between business theory and business reality. What do YOU think?

Selasa, 02 Agustus 2016

Financial Regulation in a Quantitative Model of the Modern Banking System

This study at the intersection of macroeconomics and banking explores the optimal regulation of banks. Studying and quantifying the effects of capital requirements in a model that features regulated (commercial) and unregulated (shadow) banks, the authors find that a higher capital requirement makes regulated banks safer, but does not affect the riskiness of shadow banks. The net benefit of such a policy would depend on the level of fragility of the unregulated banks.

August 2, 2016

Can rituals decrease performance anxiety? ... How to attract attention on the internet ... The risk of eliminating what you are known for.

Senin, 01 Agustus 2016

Retail Execs Underplay Current Performance to Investors--but Why?

In quarterly earnings calls with investors and analysts, some retail managers may underplay how their companies are actually performing, according to recent research by Kenneth Froot and colleagues.

Jumat, 29 Juli 2016

Can Paying Firms Quicker Affect Aggregate Employment?

When the United States federal government accelerated payments to a subset of small-business government contractors, each accelerated dollar of sales led to an almost 10 cent increase in payroll, according to research by Jean-Noel Barrot and Ramana Nanda.

Kamis, 28 Juli 2016

Where is TripAdvisor for Doctors?

Would you give your doctor a poor rating just as you might flunk a bad meal or hotel? What if you needed that physician's services again? John A. Quelch discusses why it's difficult to create a TripAdvisor for doctors.

Rabu, 27 Juli 2016

Where will Pokémon Go with Your Personal Information?

Pokémon Go is a game sensation, no doubt about that. But users should worry about where their personal information is going as well. Willy Shih discusses what happens when technology wizardry meets personal privacy.

Selasa, 26 Juli 2016

July 26, 2016

Looking under Disney's 'tentpole' strategy ... The right way to show distress at work ... Quick payment boosts employment growth.

Senin, 25 Juli 2016

Who is to Blame for 'The Great Training Robbery'?

Companies spend billions annually training their executives, yet rarely realize all the benefit they could, argue Michael Beer and colleagues. He discusses a new research paper, "The Great Training Robbery."

Rabu, 20 Juli 2016

July 19, 2016

What happens to white-collar criminals? ... The real story behind Kodak's fade ... Has Walmart reached the end of its run?

Selasa, 19 Juli 2016

Senin, 18 Juli 2016

Beyond Symbolic Responses to Private Politics: Examining Labor Standards Improvement in Global Supply Chains

Research by Andrea R. Hugill, Jodi L. Short, and Michael W. Toffel fids that global supply chain factories improve their working conditions to a greater extent when their buyers take a cooperative approach to monitoring them, when the auditors are more highly trained, and when global supply chain factories face greater risk of poor conditions being exposed.

Minggu, 17 Juli 2016

More Effective Sports Sponsorship-Combining and Integrating Key Resources and Capabilities of International Sports Events and Their Major Sponsors

This field-based study by Ragnar Lund and Stephen A. Greyser of the Union of European Football Associations and its main international sporting event, the European Championships, explores key organizational capabilities that underlie value creation and enhancement in an event's portfolio of sponsorship relationships.

Rabu, 13 Juli 2016

How Uber, Airbnb, and Etsy Attracted Their First 1,000 Customers

Thales Teixeira studies three of the most successful “platform” startups to understand the chicken-and-egg challenge of how companies can attract their first customers.

Selasa, 12 Juli 2016

July 12, 2016

Rising education costs dampen entrepreneurship ... The economic implications of biosimilars ... How to reduce government error in GDP forecasts.

Senin, 11 Juli 2016

Notes on Developing a Strategy and Designing a Company

Geared for practical use by managers, these notes are drawn from Kevin J. Boudreau's notes from his MBA and executive MBA courses in business strategy over the past decade.

Rabu, 06 Juli 2016

How Do We Pay for the Costs of Globalization?

Globalization creates many benefits, but not many of those accrue to local labor, says James Heskett. Who will pay for the costs of retraining workers and rebuilding communities where jobs have been sent offshore? What do YOU think?

Selasa, 05 Juli 2016

The Impact of Campus Scandals on College

Research by Michael Luca, Patrick Rooney, and Jonathan Smith finds links between news coverage of negative incidents at top United States colleges and a drop in applications.

Senin, 04 Juli 2016

Is Your Org Chart Stuck in a Rut? Try a Scientific Experiment

Harvard Business School's Organizational Lab helps businesses solve operational problems by changing the way their company is organized. Ethan Bernstein and Clayton Christensen explain how academics and business leaders can work together to create a better org chart.

Selasa, 28 Juni 2016

June 28, 2016

Is it time for Dinr? ... How Costa Rica built an ecotourism trade ... Starting a new fund in energy startups.

Indian Spiced Vegetarian Sloppy Joes (or “Pav Bhaji”)


Ever since I was a kid, “Pav Bhaji” was pure comfort food for me. Traditionally, it's a mix of potatoes, peas, carrots, and Indian spices, served on a warm, toasted, buttered, fluffy white bun as kind of an open-faced sloppy joe. It's like Indian street food, and it tastes delicious.


And while I do love the traditional version, it's not the healthiest thing to eat on a regular basis. It's basically refined carbs, regular carbs, and then more carbs, with a little bit of fat from the butter and cooking oil thrown in. There's very little fiber and virtually no protein in the original so it doesn't work as a filling meal. But it tastes SO good!

So I was on a mission: make a healthier “pav bhaji” recipe that tastes just as good as the original, but gives you way more bang for your nutritional buck.


This recipe fits the bill! It looks pretty similar to the traditional version, and tastes the same, but has TONS of secret healthy add-ins that will keep you full, happy, and satisfied for hours.

What are the secrets?

Red lentils to start. When cooked down they become totally mushy and soft, and take on the flavor of anything they're cooked with. Those little gems bring protein and fiber to the recipe and you won't even notice them in the dish! To add to that, I dumped in a bunch of veggies: cauliflower, zucchini, and mixed vegetables, and cut the potato-to-other-veggies-in-the-dish ratio way down. There are still potatoes, just not as many as the traditional recipe would call for. And of course, all of the warm, aromatic Indian spices that you'd see in any self-respecting pav bhaji 
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Senin, 27 Juni 2016

These Management Practices, Like Certain Technologies, Boost Company Performance

Management practice acts exactly as a new technology might in giving companies competitive advantage over each other-and there is a right way and a wrong way to do things, says a new study by Raffella Sadun and colleagues.

Selasa, 21 Juni 2016

What Else Do Shareholders Want? Shareholder Proposals Contested by Firm Management

Research by Eugene F. Soltes, Suraj Srinivasan, and Rajesh Vijayaraghavan shows firm managements seek to exclude almost half the proposals suggested by shareholders with nearly a quarter ultimately excluded with permission of the SEC.

Senin, 20 Juni 2016

When Predicting Other People's Preferences, You're Probably Wrong

When predicting other people's tastes, we tend to erroneously assume that liking one item precludes enjoying another, dissimilar option, according to new research by Kate Barasz, Tami Kim, and Leslie John

Sabtu, 18 Juni 2016

Companies Need to Start Marketing Safety to Customers

Recent separate tragedies in Orlando underscore that businesses and their customers are vulnerable to horrific events, so why don't companies do and say more about security? asks John Quelch. The ugly truth is safety doesn't sell.

Jumat, 17 Juni 2016

Management as a Technology?

How important are management practices to productivity? This study by Nicholas Bloom, Raffaella Sadun, and John Van Reenen provides firm-level measures of management in an internationally comparable way, drawing on original data on over 11,000 firms across 34 countries. Differences in management practices account for about 30 percent of cross-country productivity differences.

Slack Time and Innovation

This study by Hong Luo and colleagues combines data about projects posted on Kickstarter with the timing of school breaks of top US colleges to find that slack time can lead to an increase in creative projects, particularly those that are relatively complex and high quality. Managers in corporations that emphasize innovation should consider providing their employees with coordinated slack time particularly to advance development of novel ideas.

Senin, 13 Juni 2016

Firm Selection and Corporate Cash Holdings

Over the last 30 years, firms have increased their cash holdings. This paper highlights the importance of an increasing share of R&D-intensive firms and more favorable IPO conditions. Both mechanisms help explain the increase in average cash-to-asset ratio for US public companies over three decades.

Minggu, 12 Juni 2016

Peanut Butter and Banana Smoothie and a prAna Giveaway!

peanut butter smoothie

What are you craving this summer?

For me, summer means spending as much time outdoors as I can, taking a little break and relaxing a bit. What I crave is time: more time to spend with family and friends, going to the beach or park, outdoor festivals, food truck fairs, etc. I also crave cute summer dresses, vibrant summer produce, fresh berries and stone fruits (my fav!), baked goodies, and cool refreshing drinks like smoothies and infused water.

Speaking of smoothies, I am totally in love with this peanut butter breakfast smoothie that I created last week. It's packed with protein and fiber, has no added sugar, and is deliciously thick and creamy thanks to plain Greek yogurt (I used Stonyfield Farm's). It's got the perfect balance of sweetness and nuttiness, and it will absolutely keep you full until lunch - for less than 300 calories!

peanut butter smoothie 2

Who can resist that?

It's the perfect summer breakfast treat. (Recipe below!)

But first - giveaway time! So what exactly am I giving away? Honestly, I've never blogged about clothing before but when prAna and Stonyfield teamed up and offered to send me this beautiful sustainably made Quinn dress AND an additional dress to give away to one of my readers, I just couldn't say no!


I actually hadn't heard of prAna before they reached out to me, but what I found was that all of their clothing is beautiful, functional, comfortable, sustainably made, and Bluesign certified (which indicates the highest standard in the textile industry for environmental health, safety and chemical management). This Quinn dress is made of a stretchy, quick drying fabric that's super comfortable and can be dressed up or down.

And now, one lucky reader has the opportunity to win their very own Quinn dress from prAna!

To Enter: You can enter in one of six ways (each option below counts as a separate entry):

  1. Subscribe to The Picky Eater via RSS or via email

  2. Like The Picky Eater on Facebook

  3. Sign up for my free, monthly newsletter (it has healthy recipes and tips – no annoying ads :) plus you'll get a free healthy meal plan when you sign up!)

  4. Follow me on Twitter (@pickyeaterblog)

  5. Follow me on Pinterest

  6. Follow me on Instagram

This giveaway will be open until 11:59pm PST on Friday, July 1st. I'll be announcing the winner in the comments of this post on Saturday, July 2nd.

You can also check out prAna.com for yourself! You can save 15% off your prAna order with this special code: SCS16ANSH. (Note: Not valid for Influencers, on Gift Certificates or valid with any other offers. Offer lasts until July 7, 2016) 

And in the meantime, be sure to make this smoothie 
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Rabu, 08 Juni 2016

Skinny Sweet Potato Biscuits


The husband is a total sucker for biscuits. Buttery, flaky, melt-in-your-mouth biscuits. And don't get me wrong, I love them too, but what I don't love so much is the fact that traditional biscuits can run you over 200 calories and 10g fat, and have 0g fiber - so they don't keep you full for very long.

But then I found this recipe from the SkinnyMom cookbook and I was totally inspired. These sweet potato biscuits have tons of secret ingredients that lighten them up without losing any of those decadent soft layers you'd come to expect in regular biscuits.

One biscuit has only ~140 calories, almost 0g fat, 3.6g Fiber and 4g Protein – so it actually works to keep you satisfied in between meals, or as a side along with your favorite dish!

Skinny Sweet Potato Biscuits

Prep Time: 15 minutes

Cook Time: 25 minutes

Total Time: 40 minutes

Yield: 10 biscuits

Serving Size: 1 biscuit

Calories per serving: 141.2

Fat per serving: 0.6g

Nutritional Info Per Serving: 141.2 Calories, 0.6g Fat (0.1g Saturated), 139mg Sodium, 30.6g Carbs, 3.6g Fiber, 7.9g Sugar, 4g Protein


  • 1 large sweet potato
  • 2 cups white whole wheat flour
  • 3 ½ tbsp light brown sugar
  • 1 tbsp baking powder
  • ½ tsp baking soda
  • ½ tsp salt
  • 1 tsp ground cinnamon
  • 2 tbsp organic maple syrup
  • 3 tbsp unsweetened applesauce
  • ¾ cup low-fat buttermilk


  1. Preheat the oven to 450°F. Line a baking sheet with parchment paper.
  2. Wash the sweet potato and then poke the potato several times with a fork. Place it in a microwave safe bowl and add 2 tsp of water to the bowl. Cover with plastic wrap and cut a slit in the top. Microwave for 3 to 5 minutes, until soft and the skin is loose. Let cool.
  3. In a large bowl, whisk together the flour, brown sugar, baking powder, baking soda, salt, and cinnamon.
  4. In a separate bowl, stir together the syrup, applesauce, and buttermilk.
  5. Once the sweet potato has cooled, peel and mash well with a fork. Transfer the mashed sweet potato to the wet ingredients and stir to combine.
  6. Add the sweet potato mixture to the flour mixture and stir just until the dough comes together, being careful not to overmix.
  7. Lightly flour a clean surface and using clean hands transfer the sweet potato dough to the surface. It is very important to keep the surface covered lightly in flour, as the dough will be sticky. Gently roll the dough out to a 10-inch-diameter about ½ inch thick and use a 2 ½-inch biscuit cutter or the rim of a juice glass to cut out biscuits. Gather the scraps and re-roll to cut out more biscuits. You should get 10 biscuits.
  8. Transfer the biscuits to the prepared baking sheet. Bake until slightly browned on the edges, 24 to 28 minutes. Serve warm.



Selasa, 07 Juni 2016

Can Brand Trump Win a Presidency?

Brand Trump has been used to market hotel rooms, ties, and an airline airline. Can it be extended to win the presidency? Marketing Professor John A. Quelch wonders if the message (and the messenger) is already growing thin.

Fighting the Islamic State with Iraq's Golden Division: The Road to Fallujah

In 2014, Islamic State militants swept into Western Iraq's Anbar Province, overrunning Iraqi security forces, enslaving minorities, and causing thousands to flee for their lives.

The jihadist group captured Iraq's largest city, Mosul, and the cities of Ramadi and Fallujah, where hundreds of US troops died fighting the Islamic State's predecessor.

Now, two years later, the Iraqi security forces, with help from Iranian-supported Shiite militias and US military advisors and warplanes, are fighting to take back towns and cities in Anbar, one battle at a time.

But it's a difficult task: Anbar has been the crucible of Iraq's insurgency, and is the country's Sunni heartland - long marginalized by and hostile to the Shiite-led government in Baghdad.

VICE News embedded with Iraq's Golden Division Special Forces unit as they fought their way into the villages surrounding the city of Hit, where they encountered ambushes, sniper fire, and tried to sort suspected Islamic State operatives and sympathizers from innocent Iraqi civilians.

Watch "What It's Really Like to Fight for the Islamic State” - http://bit.ly/1UhTYU1

Read "Iraq Halts Assault Against Islamic State-Held Fallujah to 'Protect Civilians' Trapped Inside” - http://bit.ly/1TQvKq7

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Senin, 06 Juni 2016

Skills and Behaviors that Make Entrepreneurs Successful

New research at Harvard Business School by Lynda Applegate, Janet Kraus, and Timothy Butler takes a unique approach to understanding behaviors and skills associated with successful entrepreneurs.

Jumat, 03 Juni 2016

The Risk Anomaly Tradeoff of Leverage

This paper by Malcolm Baker and Jcolleagues develops a tradeoff theory of capital structure, testing the idea that firms with low risk assets-and hence underpriced equity-may want to rely disproportionately on debt. The model accommodates both corporate finance and asset pricing evidence, renewing a fruitful connection between asset pricing and corporate finance research.

VICE on HBO Preview: America's Heroin Crisis

America is facing the worst drug epidemic this country has ever seen: more people are dying from overdoses than from car accidents-and at the center of it is an explosion in the use of heroin. Thomas Morton traces the causes and impacts of the crisis, from the poppy farms of Mexico to the hills of West Virginia, and investigates how users, first responders, and government officials are responding to the new reality of American drug use.

Tune in to VICE on HBO, Friday at 11PM.


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Technology and the Fight for Free Expression: Blackout (Series Trailer)

Free expression is under threat around the world. While advances in technology increase access to information, open lines of communication, and unite like-minded citizens with unprecedented speed, governments wanting to suppress dissent respond by employing violence, surveillance, and intimidation.

In BLACKOUT, a series made possible by Jigsaw, VICE News takes viewers across the globe, from Pakistan to Belarus, to examine technology's role in the ongoing fight for free expression.

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Kamis, 02 Juni 2016

The Road to Fallujah (Trailer)

In 2014, Islamic State militants swept into Western Iraq's Anbar Province, overrunning Iraqi security forces, enslaving minorities, and causing thousands to flee for their lives.

The jihadist group captured Iraq's largest city, Mosul, and the cities of Ramadi and Fallujah, where hundreds of US troops died fighting the Islamic State's predecessor.

Now, two years later, the Iraqi security forces, with help from Iranian-supported Shiite militias and US military advisors and warplanes, are fighting to take back towns and cities in Anbar, one battle at a time.

But it's a difficult task: Anbar has been the crucible of Iraq's insurgency, and is the country's Sunni heartland - long marginalized
by and hostile to the Shiite-led government in Baghdad.

VICE News embedded with Iraq's Golden Division Special Forces unit as they fought their way into the villages surrounding the city of Hit, where they encountered ambushes, sniper fire, and tried to sort suspected Islamic State operatives and sympathizers from innocent Iraqi civilians.

Watch "What It's Really Like to Fight for the Islamic State” - http://bit.ly/1UhTYU1

Read "Iraq Halts Assault Against Islamic State-Held Fallujah to 'Protect Civilians' Trapped Inside” - http://bit.ly/1TQvKq7

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When Business Performance Falters, is Culture Change the Fix?

Is culture change the start of a business makeover--or the result? James Heskett asks readers for insights. What do YOU think?

Rabu, 01 Juni 2016

Motivating Effort in Contributing to Public Goods Inside Organizations: Field Experimental Evidence

Results of this experiment by Karim Lakhani and colleagues involving 1,200 employees shows that workers have multiple underlying motivations to contribute to organizational betterment, consisting of a combination of monetary and altruistic incentives associated with the organization's mission.

Selasa, 31 Mei 2016

May 31, 2016

Corporate flu-shot programs need better locations to be effective ... The case of 'Fabulous Fab' Tourre ... Selling film cameras in a digital age.

Jumat, 27 Mei 2016

Watch the Trailer for Jeremy Corbyn: The Outsider

In September 2015, veteran left-winger Jeremy Corbyn was elected as leader of the British Labour Party. After 33 years as a back bench member of parliament, the 66-year-old became one of the most important politicians in Britain.

Jeremy was propelled to leadership by a generation of voters who had been turned off by traditional politics. He attracted 200,000 new members to the party who wanted someone who presented an alternative to the slick, executive politicians who cared more about corporate elites than the people on the street.

But many Labour members of parliament don't share the new membership's enthusiasm for Jeremy's socialist agenda. As well as facing challenges from his own colleagues, since becoming leader Jeremy has been the subject of a hostile media that he believes seeks to undermine his leadership.

Over the course of eight weeks, VICE News gained unique access to Jeremy Corbyn, through the Panama Papers and Iain Duncan Smith's resignation to the local elections and accusations of anti-Semitism within the party, offering a rare insight into the man and the team around him.

Watch "Naomi Klein and Jeremy Corbyn: COP21 - Climate Emergency (Dispatch 5)” - http://bit.ly/1Z5M44r

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Treating Ukrainian Veterans' PTSD With Service Dogs

Ukraine was in many ways unprepared for the war against the Russian-backed separatists of the DNR in the country's east. Its army, after years of mismanagement and corruption, was left with just 6,000 combat-ready troops, and its hospitals had never had to deal with the kinds of horrific injuries sustained by both soldiers and civilians.

The embattled country was even less prepared to deal with the psychological aftermath of the conflict; Ukraine had not been at war since the '80s, when PTSD was only just beginning to be recognized as a disorder.

With state care for people suffering with psychological trauma severely lacking, it has been left to a number of different NGOs to fill in the gaps in treatment. Hero's Companion, a Canadian organization, trains service dogs to help Ukrainian veterans with their war trauma.

Watch “Shell-Shocked: Ukraine's Trauma” - http://bit.ly/1XiydJd

Watch "Ukraine's Foreign Fighters Battle for Citizenship” - http://bit.ly/250SntK

Watch “The Struggle to Find Ukraine's Missing Soldiers” - http://bit.ly/1TU6Srz

Read "When War Becomes Routine: A Week with Ukraine's Weary-Eyed Soldiers” - http://bit.ly/1suwaqi

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A Little Understanding Motivates Copyright Abusers to Pay Up

Many Internet users don't give a second thought to copying and reusing an image. Hong Luo and Julie Holland Mortimer explain how copyright holders can gently persuade abusers to do the right thing.

How Consumers and Businesses are Reshaping Public Health

Through a collection of case studies, John A. Quelch and co-authors explore the intersection of health care and business in the new book, "Consumers, Corporations, and Public Health". Read an excerpt.

Sabtu, 21 Mei 2016

Diet Tips for Osteoarthritis Knee Pain

Find out about a number of diet tips to help reduce pain in people with osteoarthritis of the knee. This article looks at foods to eat and foods to avoid.

Selasa, 17 Mei 2016

Thai Peanut Curry with Chickpeas

Sauces made with nut butter are a total hit in this house. The husband loves them, Layla loves them, these types of sauces are super easy to make and they are rich and delicious while still being healthy! Win-win.

This particular curry uses chickpeas instead of the traditional tofu that you'd see in a Thai curry, and I really enjoyed the change of pace. It's packed with flavor thanks to the garlic, onions, and warm spices like cumin, cardamom and coriander. Ground peanut powder adds a richness without all of the calories of peanut butter (more on that in a sec!), and coconut milk turns that peanut powder into a creamy, thick sauce that all of the veggies and chickpeas just soak right up.


You can serve it over brown rice, quinoa, eat it as a “stew” on its own, or serve it with naan or roti! It's really versatile and a one-pot dish, which makes clean-up that much easier. I topped ours with roasted chopped cashews, and we ate it with brown rice on the side.

But my secret ingredient for this recipe is this amazing Peanut Protein Powder from Naked Nutrition. (Just a little tip – I'm giving away some free Naked Nutrition products here!) Unlike most of the low calorie peanut butter options like BetternPeanutButter or PB2 which are either super processed with tons of random ingredients, and have added sugar, Naked Nutrition's peanut protein powder has just one ingredient: Roasted Peanuts! There is no added sugar, salt, artificial sweeteners, flavors, thickeners, or colors. 2 tbsp have only 50 calories, 6g protein and 2g fiber. It's the perfect addition to anything you need peanut flavor for but don't want all of the calories of regular peanut butter!


This ingredient added such a richness to the curry, it felt like I was eating a dish that had been cooking all day long. This recipe makes a TON of food, so we ate this for leftovers later in the week and then I also froze a big batch to save for later (it freezes great!) Hope you enjoy this recipe as much as we did!


Thai Peanut Curry with Chickpeas

Total Time: 60 minutes

Yield: 10 servings

Calories per serving: 194

Fat per serving: 3.7g

Nutritional Info Per Serving: 194 Calories, 3.7g Fat (1.5g Saturated), 495mg Sodium, 34.8g Carbs, 7.4g Fiber, 3.8g Sugar, 7.3g Protein


  • 1 red onion, diced
  • 10 cloves of garlic, minced
  • 1 inch piece of ginger, minced
  • 1 tsp olive oil
  • 3 tsp ground cumin
  • 3 tsp ground coriander
  • 1 tsp cinnamon
  • 1 tsp cardamom
  • 1/8-1/4 tsp cayenne
  • 1 tsp turmeric
  • 4 tbsp ground peanut powder
  • 2 15oz cans light coconut milk
  • 1/2-1 cup low sodium vegetable broth
  • 2 yellow peppers, sliced
  • 4 carrots, cut into quarters and sliced
  • 3 zucchini, cut into quarters and sliced
  • 3 15oz cans of chickpeas
  • ½ tsp salt (or more to taste)
  • 2 tsp brown sugar
  • Chopped Roasted Cashews (1 tsp per serving)


  1. Heat olive oil in a large pan over medium heat. Add onions, garlic and ginger and saute until the onions are translucent.
  2. Add all of the spices and let them toast for 1 min, stirring constantly
  3. Add the coconut milk and peanut powder
  4. Add rest of the ingredients (broth through sugar)
  5. Bring to a boil, cover and reduce to a low simmer for at least 30 minutes, but the dish can be simmered as long as 1-2 hours
  6. Top each serving with 1 tsp chopped roasted cashews


Adapted from Vegan Richa



Senin, 04 April 2016

Banana Chocolate Chunk Frozen Yogurt (or “Ice Cream”!)

Banana ice cream-3

Banana fake-out ice cream is all the rage these days. It's kind of like the coolest healthy swap ever, because guilt-free ice cream that actually tastes delicious is hard to make!

That's not the case anymore :)

It's crazy that just one simple ingredient - frozen bananas - can turn something like ice cream healthy. And you don't need an ice cream maker to make it or any fancy equipment - all you need is a freezer and a food processor/blender.

Banana ice cream 2

Frozen bananas and Plain Greek Yogurt serve as the base. You could do it without Greek Yogurt, but I've found that adding a bit of the yogurt gives it an even more ice-cream like consistency (I used Stonyfield Farms Plain Greek Yogurt for this recipe). And, as an added benefit, you get a ton of protein from the yogurt, which helps this dessert to actually be a filling treat.

And then you can add in any mix-ins you'd like! For this recipe, I chose walnuts and dark chocolate.

But if you used frozen berries and peanut butter (for a PB&J feel) – this recipe would turn into something you could eat as a meal.

Ice cream for breakfast anyone? :)

Either way, you can't go wrong with this recipe! It's guaranteed to be a family-favorite, even the pickiest kids will like it!

Banana Chocolate Chunk Ice Cream

Prep Time: 10 minutes

Total Time: 60 minutes

Yield: 4 servings

Calories per serving: 177

Fat per serving: 8.4g

Nutritional Info Per Serving: 177 Calories, 8.4g Fat (2.8g Saturated), 29.7mg Sodium, 21.2g Carbs, 2.5g Fiber, 13.2g Sugar, 7.2g Protein


  • 2 bananas (frozen)
  • 3/4 cup Stonyfield Organic Plain Greek Yogurt
  • 2 Tbsp dark chocolate chips
  • 2 Tbsp walnuts
  • Optional mix-ins: 1/2 cup frozen berries and 1 tbsp peanut butter, or 2 tbsp Pecans + 1/2 tsp cinnamon, the sky's the limit!


  1. Place frozen banana chunks in a food processor. Blend until you have coarse crumbs.
  2. Add the yogurt and blend 1-2 minutes or until the mixture is smooth and creamy. Add the chocolate and walnuts and pulse a few times until incorporated.
  3. Serve immediately, or place in the freezer for 30-60 minutes for a firmer, more ice cream-like consistency.

Senin, 28 Maret 2016

Peanut Chocolate Chia Quinoa Truffles

8378 TR Peanut Chocolate Chia Quinoa Poppers (Very high) [ECMP_2908262 R...

There is something about no-bake treats that I can’t get enough of. And I love the idea of energy balls, but I prefer to call them truffles, because doesn’t truffles sound so much better than “energy balls”? Energy balls sound like something you’d eat after a workout, something that’s super healthy, but maybe not so decadent.

Not the case with these little guys.

8378 TR Peanut Chocolate Chia Quinoa Poppers (Very high) [ECMP_2908262 R

They are rich little bites of heaven. You can’t even tell that they are packed with the healthiest ingredients: light and fluffy quinoa, sweet dates, gooey peanut butter, and chia seeds to hold it all together. And the best part is they are vegetarian, vegan and gluten free — and if you have a peanut allergy you can just substitute the peanuts for almonds or any other nut.

You can enjoy them as a dessert or a snack – and they will keep well in the fridge for at least a week!

Peanut Chocolate Chia Quinoa Truffles

Total Time: 20 minutes

Yield: 24 truffles

Serving Size: 1 truffle

Calories per serving: 90

Fat per serving: 5.4g

Nutritional Info Per Serving: 90 Calories, 5.4g Fat (0.8g Saturated), 45.5mg Sodium, 9g Carbs, 1.7g Fiber, 4.4g Sugar, 3.1g Protein


  • 1/2 cup uncooked truRoots® Organic Sprouted Quinoa
  • 1/2 cup cocktail peanuts
  • 1/2 cup pitted dates (about 13)
  • 1/2 cup Crunchy Peanut Butter
  • 1/2 tbsp. truRoots® Organic Chia Seeds
  • 2 tbsps. unsweetened cocoa powder
  • 5 tsp cinnamon sugar (make cinnamon sugar by combining 4 tsp granulated sugar with 1 tsp ground cinnamon)


  1. Cook quinoa according to package directions. Cool slightly.
  2. Process peanuts in food processor until coarsely ground. Add dates. Process until finely chopped. Add 2 cups cooked quinoa, peanut butter, chia seeds and cocoa pulsing just until combined.
  3. Shape into 24 balls. Roll in cinnamon sugar. Place into candy cups or baking cups, if desired. Chill.



I recently partnered with truRoots because I absolutely love their mission: they create Certified USDA Organic, Non-GMO Project® Verified and gluten-free sprouted grains and legumes – while maintaining relationships with farmers, providing transparency in their supply chain, and supporting sustainable farming practices. They sent me some of their products to try, and I’ve included them in this recipe!

Peanut Chocolate Chia Quinoa Truffles

8378 TR Peanut Chocolate Chia Quinoa Poppers (Very high) [ECMP_2908262 R...

There is something about no-bake treats that I can’t get enough of. And I love the idea of energy balls, but I prefer to call them truffles, because doesn’t truffles sound so much better than “energy balls”? Energy balls sound like something you’d eat after a workout, something that’s super healthy, but maybe not so decadent.

Not the case with these little guys.

8378 TR Peanut Chocolate Chia Quinoa Poppers (Very high) [ECMP_2908262 R

They are rich little bites of heaven. You can’t even tell that they are packed with the healthiest ingredients: light and fluffy quinoa, sweet dates, gooey peanut butter, and chia seeds to hold it all together. And the best part is they are vegetarian, vegan and gluten free — and if you have a peanut allergy you can just substitute the peanuts for almonds or any other nut.

You can enjoy them as a dessert or a snack – and they will keep well in the fridge for at least a week!

Peanut Chocolate Chia Quinoa Truffles

Total Time: 20 minutes

Yield: 24 truffles

Serving Size: 1 truffle

Calories per serving: 90

Fat per serving: 5.4g

Nutritional Info Per Serving: 90 Calories, 5.4g Fat (0.8g Saturated), 45.5mg Sodium, 9g Carbs, 1.7g Fiber, 4.4g Sugar, 3.1g Protein


  • 1/2 cup uncooked truRoots® Organic Sprouted Quinoa
  • 1/2 cup cocktail peanuts
  • 1/2 cup pitted dates (about 13)
  • 1/2 cup Crunchy Peanut Butter
  • 1/2 tbsp. truRoots® Organic Chia Seeds
  • 2 tbsps. unsweetened cocoa powder
  • 5 tsp cinnamon sugar (make cinnamon sugar by combining 4 tsp granulated sugar with 1 tsp ground cinnamon)


  1. Cook quinoa according to package directions. Cool slightly.
  2. Process peanuts in food processor until coarsely ground. Add dates. Process until finely chopped. Add 2 cups cooked quinoa, peanut butter, chia seeds and cocoa pulsing just until combined.
  3. Shape into 24 balls. Roll in cinnamon sugar. Place into candy cups or baking cups, if desired. Chill.



I recently partnered with truRoots because I absolutely love their mission: they create Certified USDA Organic, Non-GMO Project® Verified and gluten-free sprouted grains and legumes – while maintaining relationships with farmers, providing transparency in their supply chain, and supporting sustainable farming practices. They sent me some of their products to try, and I’ve included them in this recipe!

Jumat, 11 Maret 2016

The BEST Chana Masala Ever!

Chana Masala 2

Ok guys. This recipe might be one of my favorite Indian recipes of all time. I’ve made a lot of versions of Chana Masala in the past, and actually posted a pretty good recipe on my blog a couple years ago, but I never felt like it was the “perfect” Chana Masala.

Until now.

Chana Masala 1

This recipe tastes just like the Chana Masala you’d get in a fantastic Indian restaurant, but the best part is it’s super healthy for you! It doesn’t use any cream or butter, it’s 100% vegan and gluten free. It’s rich, flavorful, with just the right amount of heat and spice. And it’s ridiculously easy to make.

Basically, it doesn’t get much better than this.

Chana Masala

The husband absolutely loved it, and Layla ate it up with a big scoop of plain, whole milk organic yogurt! I served it with a cauliflower sabji and some whole wheat tortillas.

Absolute perfection.

Chana Masala 3

The BEST Chana Masala Ever!

Total Time: 60 minutes

Yield: 6 servings

Calories per serving: 234

Fat per serving: 3.1g

Nutritional Info Per Serving: 234 Calories, 3.1g Fat (0.4g Saturated), 738mg Sodium, 43.3g Carbs, 8.5g Fiber, 0g Sugar, 9.5g Protein


  • 1 tsp olive oil
  • 2 medium red onions, diced
  • 5 cloves garlic, minced
  • 1 tsp grated fresh ginger
  • 1 tsp cumin seeds
  • 2 tsp ground coriander
  • 2 tsp ground cumin
  • 1/8 tsp cayenne pepper
  • 1 teaspoon ground turmeric
  • 1 tsp smoked paprika
  • 1 tsp paprika
  • 1 tsp garam masala
  • 1 15-ounce can of whole tomatoes with their juices, chopped small
  • 2/3 cup water
  • 3 15oz cans chickpeas
  • 1/2 teaspoon salt


  1. Heat oil in a large pot on high heat.
  2. Add cumin seeds and as soon as they start popping, add onion, garlic and ginger and sauté over medium-low heat until caramelized, about 5 minutes.
  3. Add the coriander, cumin powder, cayenne, turmeric, paprika/smoked paprika, and garam masala. Cook for another 30 seconds, then add the tomatoes + juices, scraping up any bits that have stuck to the pan.
  4. Add the water, chickpeas and salt.
  5. Bring to a boil, then reduce to simmer and cover. Cook on low for 30 minutes, stirring every 5 minutes or so to make sure the Chana Masala doesn't stick to the bottom of the pot.


Adapted from SmittenKitchen


Kamis, 03 Maret 2016

4 Reasons to Always Choose Organic Dairy


When it comes to buying organic, there are many different ways to prioritize. The Dirty Dozen is a great guide to produce, but there’s more to buying organic than just produce! When it comes to milk and dairy, organic milk is my milk of choice. The reason I choose milk (instead of milk alternatives) is because I don’t have any digestive issues when it comes to milk or lactose, and I like the fact that milk just has one ingredient and the only sugar in it is natural (compared to some of the alternatives out there).

But the most important thing I emphasize when I get questions about milk is the importance of choosing organic dairy/milk whenever you can!

If there’s a place to spend your money and buy organic, dairy is it (along with the dirty dozen, soy, corn and sugar). So why is organic dairy so important? And what does organic mean anyway?

To start: milk can only be USDA certified organic if:

  • There are no synthetic fertilizers used on the farm

  • Farmers avoid most synthetic pesticides

  • Farmers do not use growth hormones or antibiotics

  • Farmers never use genetically modified (GMO) crops or feed for their cows


Here are my top 4 reasons for why organic milk is totally worth the money:

1. No artificial growth hormones. On some dairy farms, cows are given artificial hormones to help them to produce more milk. Organic milk is from cows free from growth hormones and antibiotics.

2. No synthetic pesticides. Most synthetic pesticides and herbicides (such as Roundup) are prohibited on the 100% organic feed that cows graze on that produce organic milk. I prefer buying milk where I know that the supply chain only uses organic-approved substances.

3. No GMOs. Cows that produce organic milk only eat 100% organic food, which prohibits GMOs (in the feed/on the farm).

4. Helps support small family farms. 97% of all dairy farms in America, including organic farms, are family-owned. Buying organic helps to show support for a system that keeps family-owned organic farms in business.

So to answer the question: is organic milk worth the money? And should you always buy organic milk? My answer is: Yes!

This post was sponsored by MilkLife.com